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Human Resource and Administration

Human Resource and Administration

The Department is responsible for;

  • Day to day General Administration of the Agency
  • Human Resource Management
  • Provide general oversight for the Directorate functions such as Drafting of memos, policy proposal official letters and circulars
  • Handle Staff matters such as Recruitment, Transfer/posting, Promotion, Discipline, Retirement, Staff identification, variation order etc.
  • Processing of Training, Seminars, Workshops and Conferences.
  • Serve as the secretariat of staff management meetings and provision of secretariat services to the board
  • Keeping personal records (secret and open)
  • Maintenance of building, generating plants, office Equipment and other government properties.
  • Coordinating Staff welfare
  • Keeping inventory of all government properties.

The Human Resource & Administration Department provides centralized direction, support and leadership for the effective administration and Human Capital Management of the Agency in support of the overall goals and objectives of Plateau State Contributory Healthcare Management Agency.

Department ofAdministration and Human Resources
Department of Health Services, Standard and Quality Control
Department of Operations and ICT
Department of Planning, Research, and Statistics
Department of Finance and Investment